Mexican Blue Palm seedling x 1 ready for planting - Letterbox friendly box
The Mexican Blue Palm is a palm that is hardy for British gardens in sheltered sunny areas, with some winter protection ie. taken inside a greenhouse when small, or when mature fleece around the trunk. They are hard to get hold of, especially as a seedling.Some plant specialists in the UK sell larger Mexican Blue Palms for many hundreds of pounds,even thousands! The most expensive one I found was over £4,400 for a palm 160cm tall. Ones with 30cm trunks sell for approx £120 (often out of stock).
* Silver blue-grey-green leaves.
* Require little watering.
* Grow the palm indoors for the first years as a houseplant, on a sunny windowsill. It can be taken outdoors in the warm summer months). It would look great in a conservatory.
* Slow growing. It has taken 2 years to get the seed to germinate and grow this first leaf!
* Once it grows a lot larger, it can be grown outdoors in a planter, or planted in a sheltered, sunny position with well draining soil.
* Tolerant of drought.
* A beautiful palm for any plant collector or jungle garden enthusiast.
Seedling is 8 to 13cm in size.
Sent in a letterbox friendly box that can be put through your door.
Sent bareroot in damp paper.
Sent 1st class post. P&P includes 1st class postage and cost of box.
As soon as it arrives open carefully, and plant it in compost in a pot, with drainage holes. Then give it a good watering to help it recover from the journey.
Image: 1. Gardenis 2. Creative Commons WIKI/ photo 2. thibaudaranson 3. and 4. Coolguyslate
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/ Collections / Plants
/ Mexican Blue Palm seedling x 1 ready for planting - Letterbox friendly box