Canary Island Date Palm plant - Letterbox friendly box

Phoenix canarieusis
Grown from seed.
Fantastic Palm that can grow outdoors in a sheltered sunny position when older, especially in southern England and coastal areas. Hardy down to -6c. 
In colder areas, eg. uplands, it can be grown in a large planter and moved onto a patio in spring, then moved to a greenhouse in winter or perhaps covered in palm fleece to protect it from the weather.
It can also be grown as a houseplant, perfect for conservatories.
Looks great in front gardens when mature.
Size of seedling - from 8 cm.
In a large planter it can grow to 1.5 metres. Grown in the ground, it can reach up to 5 metres and 3 metres wide, after many years in an optimal location.
Sent bare root, put it in a pot with compost and grow indoors, on a sunny windowsill, when it is young.
Sent 1st class in a letterbox friendly box, so it can be delivered if you are not in.

3rd image - Wiki creative commons / Coolguyslate


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