News / plastic lawns
Artificial lawn alternatives
Two things will NEVER sell is artifical plastic lawns and plastic plants. Both are terrible for the environment and nature. Firstly, at some point, all these lawns, or more accurately, plastic outdoor carpets, will end up in landfill and remain there for centuries, in contrast to real lawns, where the grass, if removed, just turns to compost. Secondly, they are a disaster for wildlife, which is under enough pressure from us humans. How can a blackbird get a worm from a plastic lawn, and where is the nectar for bees and butterflies on a plastic hanging basket?
However, it is understandable that many people find lawns too much work, and especially if the homeowners are getting elderly or have mobility problems. However, there is some really nice natural alternatives to grass lawns that are great for nature, look lovely and are much lower maintenance than grass lawns. Plastic lawns are not cheap, and the money spent on covering your grass lawn area with one, could easily be spent on one of these options. Here is a summary -