The following sized water butts are currently available;
168 litre water butt
227 litre water butt
All other sizes are currently unavailable, but will be coming back in stock over the summer / early autumn. The 168 litre had been unavailable for ages, and is now available, so if you want a water butt for a smaller garden now is the time to order. It holds enough water to fill 16 x 10 litre average sized watering cans, when full.

Water Butts in Stock
The following sized water butts are currently available;
168 litre water butt
227 litre water butt
All other sizes are currently unavailable, but will be coming back in stock over the summer / early autumn. The 168 litre had been unavailable for ages, and is now available, so if you want a water butt for a smaller garden now is the time to order. It holds enough water to fill 16 x 10 litre average sized watering cans, when full.